Madhatter Party Fun!

A big thank you to all who came out to enjoy readings by Lisa Marie Basile and Winona Wendth, comedy by Rachel Bloom. It was a fantastic group.  Lots of fun. We look forward to doing it again. Enjoy these after event photos of D.C. touring with Lisa Marie Basile and Rachel Bloom—White House and the Exorcist Stairs, what more could you want to see in DC? More photos coming soon…

Issue No. 8 | September 2010


GALLERY | Artwork Jim Fuess

COMEDY | Fuck Me Ray Bradbury Rachel Bloom 

NONFICTION | On StupidityGary Percesepe


On the Way Down: A Story for Ray Bradbury Ben Loory

Zero Dark Thirty John Emerson

Monkeys in Heaven Corey Mesler


Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Anne Babson

Shark Geometry Anastasia Andersen

CLASSICS SERIES | A Little FableFranz Kafka


AUGUST WINNER |  Archaelology of the Present  Minal Hajratwala

SEPTEMBER CONTEST | Hands of an Artist Clarence Alford, guest edited by Ben Loory

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